Urban voids in Yurimaguas and their impact on urban structure



Vacant land, urban structure, intervention, urbanism, urban void


In the last decade, the city of Yurimaguas, located in the Peruvian Amazon, has experienced exponential growth, although in a disorganized and informal manner, leading to the appearance of several urban voids throughout the city. Objetives. The aim of the research was to identify urban voids and analyze their impact on the development of the urban structure in Yurimaguas. Method: Previous research theories were reviewed as background related to urban voids in cities. Ten vacant plots in Yurimaguas were selected as case studies, and three urban planning specialists were consulted. Measurement instruments validated by experts were used for data collection. The research scope is descriptive, and the method is inductive. Results: Nine urban voids were identified, impacting the city's land use distribution, lack of road connectivity, and population density regulation, generating problems in several urban indicators. The importance of the Urban Development Plan (PDU) of Yurimaguas for addressing these urban voids was also highlighted. Conclusions: The urban structure of Yurimaguas is affected by urban voids, which negatively impact it, resulting in an inconsistent and outdated layout that generates disorder in zoning, inadequate street networks, traffic congestion, improper population density distribution, and fragmentation of the city. Therefore, for proper analysis and future intervention of these voids, despite its limitations, consultation of the PDU of Yurimaguas is crucial.


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How to Cite

Mozombite Gonzales, O. W. (2024). Urban voids in Yurimaguas and their impact on urban structure. Big Bang Faustiniano, 12(3). Retrieved from