Analysis and interpretation of jurisprudence on family violence and its effects on vulnerable populations in Peru
Family violence process, Family Violence Law 30364, Ineffectiveness of the law, Guarantee of protection, Constitution and fundamental rightsAbstract
The purpose of this research is to explain how the treatment from the point of view of jurisprudence and the latest amendments to the family violence law, does not meet the expectations of the defendants in Peru, a sector prefers to speak of ineffectiveness, and in order to know how they have been applied when solving practical, daily cases by those who administer justice, and the public policies that the government follows, to fight against this scourge, which is why it was necessary to carry out the present Research work, which has been prepared on the basis of a mixed, qualitative approach, as different doctrinal theories, jurisprudence and norms were analyzed, the objective being to determine to what extent the process for family violence is effective as a guarantee of protection of the victims. It is a non-experimental investigation. The results show that sentences have been issued that contemplate two variables: the process of family violence and the ineffectiveness of the protection measures, as a guarantee of protection of the victims. In conclusion, the results obtained show that the processes of family violence under the protection of The latest amendments are not effective as a guarantee of protection of the victims, since the cases of violence have not decreased, and rather it tends to increase, due to factors such as mandatory social isolation due to the pandemic, deficient public policies, Failure to respect fundamental rights in accordance with the Political Constitution of Peru, international human rights conventions and treaties, which affect respect for the rights of individuals and the family.Downloads
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