The management leadership and teaching performance at the secondary level in the public educational institutions of the Pachacámac district of the UGEL 01, 2018
Management lidership, performance teacherAbstract
Objective: To determine the relationship between managerial leadership and teacher performance at the secondary level in the public educational institutions of the Pachacámac district of UGEL 01, 2018. Method: The research is basic, descriptive and correlational with non-experimental design; the sample consisted of 24 executives, 72 teachers and 94 students of the 4th and 5th grade of the secondary level of the 15 public educational institutions of the Pachacámac district, an interview guide was applied for the directors, a questionnaire for the teachers and another questionnaire for the students. Results: The relationship between the variables and the verification of the hypotheses raised was demonstrated by demonstrating that there is a relationship between the leadership and the teaching performance at the secondary level in the public educational institutions of the Pachacámac district of the UGEL 01, 2018. Conclusion: The leadership leadership presents a significant relationship with the teaching performance at the secondary level in the public educational institutions of the Pachacámac district of the UGEL 01, 2018.Downloads
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