Promotion of the consumption of anchovy (Engraulis ringens) for nutritional improvement of children of the San Agustin i.e. - Chincha alta – 2021
Children, hemoglobins, nutrition and anchovyAbstract
The research deals with the promotion of the consumption of anchovy for the nutritional improvement of the children of the San Agustín Educational Institution - Chincha Alta. The objective was to determine if the consumption of anchovy influences the levels of hemoglobin in the blood. In this research work developed in children with the consent of their parents and the school authorities; it was observed that, after 45 and 75 days of consumption of anchovy in different forms of presentation of meals or sandwiches, it was found that the hemoglobin levels diagnosed by hemogram analysis increased. Once the data were obtained, they were processed with basic statistics, correlation and variance analysis in order to verify whether the consumption of anchovy favored the increase in hemoglobin levels in the blood. The results determined that at the beginning of the evaluation, the hemoglobin levels in the blood of the third- and fourth-year children registered 10.86 and 10.77 g / dl on average. In the case of children in the third and second year of studies, 12.74 and 13.75 g / dl were recorded on average in blood hemoglobin levels, evaluations corresponding to 45 and 75 days respectively.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2020 Esteban José Fajardo Hernandez, Yasmin Jesús Vélez Chang, Dante Daniel Cruz Nieto, José Antonio Legua Cárdenas, Susana Janina Palomino Puntillo, Jesús Manuel More López

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.