The motivation of the physical education teacher in the motor learning of the students of the I.E. N° 20827 “Mercedes Indacochea” of the Huacho city - 2015
Extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, level of physical aptitude, level of skills and abilities, motor perceptual levelAbstract
Objective: To determine how the motivation of the physical education teacher influences the motor learning of students at the primary level of the I.E. N ° 20827 "Mercedes Indacochea" of the city of Huacho. Methods: The methodology was non-experimental, cross-sectional, causal correlational design. For data collection, the survey technique was used, using a questionnaire as an instrument. The population consisted of 04 physical education teachers and 363 primary level students; also the sample was 186 students. Results: With respect to the variable "Motivation", 50% show an acceptable motivational level and 50% show an unsatisfactory motivational level. Regarding the variable “Motor learning”, regarding the level of physical fitness, 41.4% of those surveyed have a low level of physical fitness, 51.6% have a regular level and 7% a good level; Regarding the level of abilities and skills, 7.5% of those surveyed have a low level in their abilities and skills, 85.5% have a regular level and 7% a good level; Regarding motor learning, 5.4% of those surveyed have a low level of motor learning, 87.6% have a regular level and 7% a good level. Conclusions: The motivation of the physical education teacher influences significantly (p = 0.000) in the motor learning of the students of the primary level of the I.E. N ° 20827 “Mercedes Indacochea” of the city of Huacho - 2015.Downloads
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