Mathematical abilities and the success of getting a place at Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, of the secondary 5th grade students
Mathematical Competences, Success, Self-esteem, Motivation, KnowledgeAbstract
Objective: To identify the relationship of the mathematical competencies developed in the success of entering the UNI, of the students of the fifth year of secondary school. Materials and Methods: The study is quantitative correlational design, the entrance notes were used and a questionnaire was applied to 76 students, being processed by SPSS, to find the correlation the Spearman Rho was used. Result: The variables mathematical competencies and the success of admission to UNI are related to Rho = .712 good. Likewise, regarding the specific hypotheses, a significant relationship could be verified between the variable mathematical competences and the dimensions of self-esteem, motivation and knowledge of the subjects, the majority of which consider that they have an adequate level in these categories, which are reinforced by the good students mathematical competencies, necessary to face an admission exam. Conclusions: Mathematical competencies are associated with adequate success in college for high school students; however, the points of view of the sample do not represent the highest levels.Downloads
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