Establishment of an eficient in vitro germination method of arnaucho supano (Capsicum chinense Jacq.)
Arnaucho, supe, chili supano, Capsicum chínense, in vitroAbstract
Objective: To establish an efficient in vitro germination method from arnaucho supano (Capsicum chínense Jacq.) Seeds. Materials and Methods: The arnaucho supano seeds were subjected to disinfection with 70% alcohol for 60 seconds and later at five concentrations of calcium hypochlorite (0,5%, 1%, 1,5%, 2% and 2,5% of NaClO), later After disinfection, six treatments were tested for the establishment and in vitro germination of the seeds with a difference in the percentage of the MS culture medium and pH levels. Results: The best results in the disinfection process were the treatments with 1.5% and 2% with 0% contamination and 0% oxidation. For the germination process, no significant differences were shown between the concentrations of the MS culture medium, but there was an effect due to the pH level of 7,8, reducing the germination and growth of the arnaucho seedlings in vitro. Conclusion: An efficient in vitro germination method was established from arnaucho supano seeds (Capsicum chínense Jacq.). Presenting an optimal disinfection protocol and considering this methodology as an ex situ conservation method for subsequent research work.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2020 Julio Alcides Rojas Chávez, Brayan Anthony Lugo Chinchay, Alexandra Jherina Pineda Lázaro, Giselle Jazmín Aguilar Balabarca, Alexis Argüelles Curaca, Hermila Belba Díaz Pillasca

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