Metacognition and investigative competence in students of the tenth cycle, School of Linguistic Communication and Literature, Faculty of Education, UNASAM - Huaraz, 2019
Metacognition, competences, research, cognitive, observationalAbstract
Objective: To describe the relationship between metacognition and research competence in students of the tenth cycle, School of Linguistic Communication and Literature, School of Education, UNASAM - Huaraz, 2019. Materials and Method: This correlational study applied a questionnaire for each variable to a sample of 80 students, and then processed in the SPSS program. Results: The general hypothesis found a correlation of Rho = 0,904, a result found by the majority opinion of the students, which in summary we understand that if metacognition is applied, an adequate development of research skills will almost always be achieved. The seven specific hypotheses determined a relationship of Rho = 0,749, Rho = 0,727, Rho = 0,434, Rho = 0,588, Rho = 0,617, Rho = 0,499 and Rho = 0,537, respectively. Conclusion: Metacognition, applied usually by the majority of the sample; It is related to the investigative competences referred to as adequate. With which it is concluded that the way in which the institution reinforces the metacognition of the students is sufficient for their investigative abilities, however they still do not reach their maximum capacity.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2020 Violeta Mercedes Machaca Cano, Abelardo Rodolfo Campana Concha

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