Characterization of urticating scoli of Hemileucinae caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) in Chiriquí, Panama



Palabras clave:

Characteristics, cluster analysis, genera, identification, morphologie


Objective: To characterize the stinging scoli of Hemileucinae caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), from the province of Chiriquí, Panama. Methodology: Eight species were selected: Automeris io, A. metzli, A. pallidior, A. zozine, Dirphia avia, D. horcana, Leucanella hosmera and Periphoba hircia; which were found in various agroecosystems of Chiriquí. The habitus of each species of caterpillar was illustrated and preserved specimens were reviewed in the laboratory to observe in detail morphological characters: height of the scolus, length of evaginations and presence of apical setae; with which a hierarchical cluster analysis with Euclidean distance was carried out to form 5 groups. Results: The four species of Automeris have erect scoli, but in A. metzli they are up to four times taller than the length of the evaginations; In both species of Dirphia the scoli are inclined backwards and with a distal projection in the evaginations like fine setae, sharing this last attribute with L. hosmera, with erect scoli; and in the case of P. hircia, the scoli have a short trunk and the evaginations are as long as or longer than its height. The hierarchical cluster analysis reflected that the first group is made up of A. io, A. zozine and D. avia; the second by A. pallidior and D. horcana; the third by L. hosmera; the fourth, by P. hircia and A. metzli remained as a comparison group. Conclusion: The morphological characteristics of the scoli serve to identify Hemileucinae genera, in complement with other characters.


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Cómo citar

Collantes Gonzalez, R., & Santos Murgas, A. . (2024). Characterization of urticating scoli of Hemileucinae caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) in Chiriquí, Panama. Peruvian Agricultural Research, 6(1).



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